PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation
The PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Programmes are dedicated to improving the strength, quality of life and sense of wellbeing in women & men diagnosed with cancer.
The programmes are delivered by certified PINC & STEEL cancer rehab physiotherapists and provides a full range of services designed to care, support and guide women and men (respectively) through every stage of their treatment and recovery.
Our services include:
Physical and functional assessments
Exercise prescription
Pain relief
Scar management
Cording treatment
Fatigue management
Pelvic floor strengthening
Lymphoedema treatment
The PINC & STEEL Program aims to help you:
Optimise physical and functional recovery
Ease pain and muscular tension
Regain strength & mobility
Increase energy levels and improve breathing
Strengthen core muscles and improve posture
Improve physical functioning and maintain independence
Reclaim body confidence and control
Reduce treatment related side effects
Shift focus from illness to wellness
Prevention and early detection
Education on early signs and symptoms and risk reduction strategies
Assessment/monitoring, including limb volume measurements and bio impedance spectroscopy with SOZO
Management of cancer related lymphoedema
Educating self management principles such as skin care to reduced trauma and risk of infection
Exercise prescription
Compression garments
Compression bandaging (decongestion treatment)
Manual lymphatic drainage
Teaching self lymphatic drainage
Pneumatic compression pump